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ESS BIZTOOLS has prepared a number of 'modules' that cover situations faced by your small and medium sized business clients and prospects.

Included within each 'module' is a list of papers that could be 'branded' with your firm's details and sent to clients and prospects. We have grouped the papers into relevant series and suggest that these be sent out a week or two apart to allow the client to absorb the material gradually.

Click on the relevant topic below to display the content and a link to download the material.

Here is an example of how ESS BIZTOOLS Client Mentoring & Coaching Procedures works:

A client telephones you, asks your advice regarding setting up a small business and wants to know what issues they should be aware of in the planning stages. You make an appointment with them to come in and discuss the matter further. You download Purchasing or Commencing a Business Procedure, 'brand' the documents and send them each series a week apart.

The client will feel that you are proactive in your field and will be impressed by the prompt service. The 'branded' material that you send gives them something tangible that is informative and encourages your client to seek further services from your firm.

Video Tutorial: