Crowd Sourced Funding
Package Content
SMEs Introduction to Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising – FREE
Understanding the CSF Offer Document Process
Overview of the Crowd Sourced Funding Offer Document
Preparing the Crowd Sourced Funding Offer Document
Introducing the Crowd Sourced Funding Intermediary
Investors and Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising
Post Crowd Sourced Funding Capital Raising
Combined Crowd Sourced Funding Package for Small Medium Enterprises
7 Packages Packed Full of Important Information

The following articles are included in the complimentary/free material to assist small medium enterprises to be able to gain an appreciation of how Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising for small proprietary companies operates.
- CSF Small Proprietary Companies Checklist (BAS5001)
- What is Crowd Sourced Funding? (BAS5005)
- Crowd Sourced Funding Issuer Cap (BAS5010)

- Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising Overview (Paper 003-055)
- Eligibility Matrix (BAS5004)
- The Crowd Sourced Funding Legislation (BAS5007)
- Eligible Crowd Sourced Funding Company (BAS5009)
- Eligibility for Crowd Sourced Funding (BAS5130)
- General Investor Protection (BAS5040)
- Corporate Governance Concessions (BAS5020)

- Fund Raising in addition to a Crowd Sourced Funding Offer (BAS5012)
- Making a CSF Offer (BAS5014)
- Crowd Sourced Funding Offer Document Overview (BAS5015)
- Stages of a Crowd Sourced Funding Offer (BAS5030)
- Company Eligibility Questionnaire (BAS5110)
- Company Preparation Guide (BAS5115)
- Closing the Crowd Sourced Funding Offer (BAS5150)
- Checklist for Identifying Client’s Potential as a CSF Company (BAS5109)

- Checklist for Retail or Wholesale Clients (Investors) (BAS5126)
- Documents List (BAS5159)
- Declarations on Company Identification (BAS5160)
- Risk Summary (BAS5161)
- Current Directors’ Consent And Declaration (BAS5165)
- Current Directors List (BAS5166)
- Proposed Director Consent (BAS5169)
- Proposed Company Director Lists (BAS5170)
- Declaration by Company Directors Relating to Crowd Sourced Funding Offer Documents (BAS5171)
- Declaration and Consent by Senior Managers (BAS5173)
- Current Senior Managers List (BAS5174)
- Proposed Senior Managers Consent (BAS5175)
- Proposed Senior Managers List (BAS5176)
- Consent Form for Persons Contributing Reports (BAS5123)
- Crowd Sourced Funding Offer Documents Overview (BAS5120)
- Crowd Sourced Funding Offer Document Working Papers (BAS5121)
- Due Diligence of the Company (Paper 041 – 020)
- Register of Consents (BA 5122)
- Crowd Sourced Funding Offer Document Template (BAS5124)

- CS F Intermediaries – Financial Services Licensing Requirements (BAS5022)
- Crowd Sourced Funding Intermediaries (BAS5025)
- Crowd Sourced Funding Intermediaries – Appointed By ASIC (BAS5026)
- Checklist of The Offer Documents – Retail Clients (BAS5127)
- Intermediary Checklist (BAS5128)
- Defective Crowd Sourced Funding Offer Document (BAS5140)
- When is a Crowd Sourced Funding Document Defective? (BAS5050)
- Obligations in Relation To Defective Documents (BAS5055)

- Crowd Sourced Funding Investors (BAS5035)
- General Investor Protection (BAS5040)
- Investor Protection for Retail Clients Only (BAS5045)
- Retail Clients Overview (BAS5125)

- Crowd Sourced Funding – Post Capital Raising (Paper 003 – 056)

Combined Crowd Sourced Funding Package for Small Medium Enterprises
This inclused all 7 individual packages:
- Understanding the CS F Offer Document Process
- Overview of the Crowd Sourced Funding Offer Document
- Preparing the Crowd Sourced Funding Offer Document
- Introducing the Crowd Sourced Funding Intermediary
- Investors and Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising
- Post Crowd Sourced Funding Capital Raising
What are the legal requirements to be a Crowd Sourced Funding Company?
Consolidated gross assets of the company and its related parties of less than $25 million
Consolidated annual revenue of the company and its related parties of less than $25 million
Neither the company nor a related party is listed on a stock exchange anywhere in the world
Neither the company nor any related party of the company is included in an official list of a financial market operated outside of Australia
Neither the company nor any related party has the intention of utilising the funds sought to be raised by the offer to issue a credit facility to the company or a related party of the company (which includes investment in securities or interests in other entities or managed investment schemes).
What could be the key characteristics of companies interested in raising capital?
A company/business with turnover over $2 million that wishes to "scale up"
A company with a new product, process or service that does not qualify as an “Early-Stage Innovation Company” because of the company’s age, turnover or expenditure being higher than the allowed amounts
A fast-growing ambitious business
A company wanting to expand
A company wanting to acquire other businesses
A company with a CEO with a “big audacious idea”!
A CEO with an exciting vision!
A company with debts that the directors would like to repay, save interest and enable the security that has probably been supplied by someone else to be released
A company with a succession problem that an injection of new capital would assist in sorting out!
A company/business with turnover over $2 million that wishes to 'scale up'. For more information, please (Click here).
How much can be raised?
Want to know more about this opportunity?
You could purchase some of the material which we have available to assist you with an insight into how Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising operates.
You could have a discussion with a professional accountant/business advisor who is a subscriber to ESS BIZTOOLS and has access to our material. To contact one of our subscribers, you can do so by clicking on to “find an accountant” and entering your postcode – the system will identify some of our subscribers in or near your postcode . You can then contact the accountant who you wish to speak to for a discussion or you could contact your own accountant for a discussion.
if you are having trouble locating an accountant who will discuss Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising with you please send us an email
Want To Know More?

A new opportunity for small/medium enterprises, inventors and entrepreneurs has emerged with the passing by the Australian Senate of the Australian government’s Crowd Sourced Funding Amendments to the Corporations Act to enable a small proprietary company to raise capital from the public.
SMEs and others now have three distinct opportunities where they can raise capital from the public without producing a prospectus. These opportunities for capital raising are:
Crowd Sourced Funding
Early-Stage Innovation Company
Section 708 of the Corporations Act "Capital Raising"
The opportunity to raise capital utilising Crowd Sourced Funding has been a dream for many SMEs, inventors and entrepreneurs over recent years. Thousands of small/medium enterprises, inventors and entrepreneurs are expected to avail themselves of the opportunity to raise capital in this unique fashion. Australian now joins Europe, USA and New Zealand where SMEs have enjoyed this opportunity for the last six years.
Most of the entities seeking to raise capital using the Crowd Sourced Funding process are expected to be small/medium size businesses. These types of businesses are traditionally the clients of small to medium-sized accountancy businesses all around Australia. Small/medium sized accountants who gear up for the opportunity of being able to service this new emerging market will be able to create a significant “new income stream”.
An eligible company which is able to raise capital utilising crowd-sourced funding, will have a group turnover under $25 million per annum and gross group assets valued at under $25 million.
ASIC announced the first group of businesses licenced as Crowd Sourced Funding Intermediaries in January 2018. Seven businesses were appointed as Intermediaries. The Intermediaries are based in:
Companies that have raised more than $3 million in capital are required to appoint an Auditor.
The legislation introduces some new titles to corporate law relating to the “gatekeepers” who are referred to as CSF Intermediaries. The Intermediaries are businesses with financial services licenses which are expressly authorised by a further license to provide a crowd funding service. In this role the Intermediary will check the CSF Offer Document and the other documentation required to be produced and will then list the company's Offer Document onto the Intermediary's website where it can remain for up to three months or such lesser time that has been stipulated in the Offer Document.
The legislation includes a restriction on the amount of money that a “retail investor” can invest in a company raising capital by Crowd-Sourced Funding to $10,000 every twelve months. The legislation does not identify any minimum investment amount.
There is no restriction on the amount of investment from a “sophisticated investor” (defined in section 708(8) of the Corporations Act).
Companies will be able to raise capital by utilising a mixture of crowdfunding and raising capital utilising section 708 of the Corporations Act, if they wish.
Obviously the benefit from this legislation for small/medium enterprises, entrepreneurs and inventors is that there is an opportunity to raise money for business expansion without having to utilise extensive personal funds, second mortgages on houses, credit cards or borrowings from relatives etc.
However, companies will need to be able to produce adequate documents which will form part of the CSF Offer Document to convince firstly the CSF Intermediary and the “crowd” that the company is in an “investment ready state” and that the company’s directors and management team understand modern corporate practice and the immense responsibility of using other people’s money in their business activities. Some of these companies will grow into very large corporations which will have significant benefits for their founders and investors.
However this “fairy tale” ending will not be achieved unless there has been strong discipline shown in the preparation of the documentation that is going to be required to be submitted to the “gatekeeper”.
The “Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising Package” will assist your accountancy/business advisory business to advise your clients adequately to understand the various components of the Crowd Sourced Funding opportunity and will place you in an ideal position to work with your clients in the preparation of the various document required for the Crowd Sourced Funding Offer Document.
Companies that raised capital
Equity Crowdfunding Forecast to Grow Tenfold in Just Five Years
Enable Funding (formerly ASSOB – Australian Small Scale offer Board) has forecast that the new crowd sourced funding capital raising market will soar from $119 million in 2016 (primarily s709 capital raising and some Early Stage Innovation Company capital Raising) to $1.5 billion in 2021, which would result in a tenfold increased. (click here).
Other articles on crowd sourced funding equity raising for companies::
Purchase Full Package Here